Be Original: 3 Ways to Personalize Your Content & Get Seen

Gain leads by sharing personalized content on LinkedIn.

As a digital marketer, I've learned that unoriginal content gets lost in the noise. Your content NEEDS to be "thumbstopping." Here's how to make your content get that coveted pause in the feed:

  1. Share a Personal Story

Tell a story from your career that offers value. Maybe it's a lesson learned from a challenging campaign or a skill you developed. Make sure it's entertaining, informative, or useful. Ask yourself, "What's the point?" and "Why should someone care?"

  1. Set the Scene

Describe the where, why, how, what, and when of your story. This makes it unique and memorable. For example, detail a specific project, the challenges you faced, and the creative solutions you implemented.

  1. Use Visuals

Include a photo of yourself at work or an image that illustrates your story. Visuals create a stronger connection with your audience and showcase your environment, work, and workspace. We're all interested in how others work and we pause when we see familiar environments and settings.

Why Personal Content Works

Generic content is everywhere. Personal content highlights your thought process, location, and unique traits. People are interested in your experiences and perspectives. Personalized content builds trust and authenticity, leading to stronger connections and potential leads.

The main reason content should be personal NOW is because everyone's seen generic (AI-generated?) content and they can look up their problems via search / ChatGPT.

Proven Success

I've personally gained leads by sharing personalized content on LinkedIn. By showcasing my unique experiences, I've connected with a wider audience and built meaningful relationships.

Start personalizing your content today and watch your engagement grow!

Ken Morico
Digital Marketing Consultant
Web / Ecom · SEO · PPC
Fortune 500, influencers, startups.

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