Working During a Hurricane - Resources Needed

Read my personal journey of working through a hurricane - the resources I accessed, places I went, and gear used.

I was hit directly with a hurricane and continued to work. Why? Because Houston works. Houston prioritizes work. I prioritize work.

But it's more than that. It's about having access to resources when emergencies happen.

Hurricane Beryl
I took this screenshot as Hurricane Beryl made its way through my neighborhood.

When the power went down, I had a backup UPS for my desktop computer. I had backup batteries to charge all my devices. When I used all my backup power I used a multi-port desktop charger to power all my backup batteries -- quickly.

My residential area didn't have power days after the hurricane, but my office downtown did. Look at the power map. Downtown Houston is precious. It's also a refuge for those impacted from the storm. I can mentally and physically "power up" here.

Notice Downtown Houston had power the entire time.

Having a place to go when emergencies happens is a BOSS move. I had an office in downtown Houston -- Downtown Houston is especially resilient during storms. I literally worked through a Tornado / Derecho just weeks before in Downtown Houston.

Using a Mophie Multiport desktop charger to charge all my devices and backup batteries.

A family member had a house with a backup generator. I used that for sleeping. I was a Boy Scout many years ago, and they have a motto, "Be Prepared." The military basically has a similar ethos.

Make a plan for emergencies. Buy gear / have resources before you need them. Every good leader does.

No, Houston isn't the most beautiful city or exciting, but it keeps the American economy moving. And sometimes, we just need to keep moving.

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