Get Traffic with a Content Creator Home Base

AI and generative engines make unique content vital. Create a 'Home Base' website to aggregate content, drive organic traffic, and build your brand.

AI and Generative Engines have drastically changed the way people get information. Generic content and step-by-step content has been commoditized... across all levels of media - web, social, and email. What matters now? Brands, people, and unique ideas, and research. Let's surface our uniqueness to people that matter.

I like having a content creator "Home Base" like a website, where you can aggregate all your content. You can embed YouTube Videos, Instagram Posts, LinkedIn Posts, and really any content / media. AI can understand the content and serve you organic traffic. You can then link out to your social networks where people can follow you once they are interested in your content. It's a positive flywheel effect.

If you don't have a website, creating a "Home Base" is harder to do on social media, but here are some ideas for creating a "Home Base" on other platforms:

  • Playlists on YouTube - an area where you can categorize your best content.
  • Articles on LinkedIn / Newsletters on LinkedIn. Create a "Best of" article and pin it to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Story Highlights on Instagram.
  • Pinned Threads on X / Twitter or Pinned Threads on Meta Threads. Create a Thread with links to your best categorized content.

Remember that content created on third-parties aren't owned by you, so that's why creating a Website is still so relevant.

Another reason I think a home base is useful is that information comes at us so fast that we like some categorization to help us get information we're looking for.

For my own Website, I've structured things a bit differently than in the past for AI search engines / generative engines.

  • An articles / guides section for deep-dive information on digital marketing. I try to add my personal experiences to make the articles and guides unique and real-world.
  • A consulting section for those looking for quick access to a digital marketing consultant.
  • A blog section where I get really personal and offer my unique perspectives on entrepreneurship, tech, and wellness.
  • An About page that lists my credentials and creates authority for the content on the site.
  • A homepage that's organized as a launching point for all areas for those new to the site or just searching for me directly.

I've already seen improvement in organic traffic since I modified my site structure. Generative Engines / AI really work differently than standard search engines and so I've created a guide to help marketers that I will update over time at

Going forward, I ask that any content you create has unique perspectives and any existing content be updated with unique value.

Always respect your audience when creating content and create using the WIIFT method - What's In It For Them? That's truly creating from a generous spirit.

The Morico Letter - 9/7/2024

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Stay strong and I wish you luck in your journey.


Ken Morico

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Ken Morico
Digital Marketing Consultant
Web / Ecom · SEO · PPC
Fortune 500, influencers, startups.

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