Increasing Profits w/Speed & Content Essentials

Speed and content minimalism are essential for increasing profits in the age of AI. Learn how to improve your website speed and reduce content to only the most essential information.

Clients and customers just want answers. Answers to their problems that respect their time. There's been advice over the years to go "over the top" with content (Web, social, newsletters). The tide has turned and so has Google's position.

No one needs to consume lengthy research content now when they can get perfectly-sized responses to their questions from ChatGPT and AI.

We and our content need to be better in this new AI age -- let's explore the issues and solve them now.

Content Essentials - This Time is Different

In the age of ChatGPT and AI tools, speed reigns supreme and our content should only include the most essential information for people to complete an intended action. Google recently stated:

Are you writing to a particular word count because you've heard or read that Google has a preferred word count? (No, we don't).


A few months ago, I had a person email me looking for content they couldn't find on my site. They had thought the content was good enough to come back, but mentioned there was too much "junk" on the site and couldn't quickly find it. I didn't think that was the case but it made me think. I went on a purge mission removing irrelevant content and non-essential navigational elements.

Google even states that extra unhelpful content can penalize ALL your site assets:

Removing unhelpful content could help the rankings of your other content.


Give customers and clients what they need, and only what they need. And give it to them as fast as possible.

Why Speed of Content Delivery is Essential to Sales

When people complain online, you'll often hear them say, "this website is slow" or "this app is laggy." Friction in content delivery impacts customer experience and SALES.

For every second delay in mobile page load, conversions can fall by up to 20%. (SOASTA, The State of Online Retail Performance, April 2017.

source: Think With Google

mobile conversions - delay leads to drop

For every second delay in mobile page load, conversions can fall by up to 20%.

While increased purchases / sales are not guaranteed, the presumption is they will improve based on current levels when the site or app speed is improved. Depending on your revenue, increasing speed can have a massive impact. For example, with $1,000,000 in annual revenue, just decreasing load time by 1 second could result in $200,000 in additional sales. And you don't need to change anything else about the business. Amazing.

I've seen many businesses with load times in the 6 second mark. Huge room for improvement. That's why I totally rebuilt my Website platform from scratch using modern and bespoke coding solutions. Many times, no matter how optimized your site or app is, the platform you build it on will hinder its speed. For many websites, that platform is WordPress. I've gone from ranking 75/100 in speed rankings to 100/100. 5 second loading times to 2 seconds. For myself, I can do this because of my Web development background. Regular business owners or marketers can't achieve these results (unless they hire someone like Ken Morico).

Speed & Content Action Plan

  1. Audit your current site or app with speed tests.
  2. Review the site / app like you know nothing about it and think of it like a new user / customer / client.
  3. For every item, ask yourself, "does this need to be here?" If not, remove it or redirect it to another property.
  4. Review what is working for your competitors.
  5. If your current platform is hindering your ability to reach speed thresholds, research new platforms and methods.
  6. Make notes of performance before and after changes in your analytics platforms.
  7. Revisit content regularly to determine if it's relevant anymore. Times are changing fast.

Speed is a Feature

Apple once marketed the Mac Operating System (Snow Leopard), in 2009, as having "zero new features." That version of MacOS was considered to be the fastest and most-loved version ever.

Could we do the same for our own content / products / services?


I think you'll agree that speed and content minimalism plays a large part in our perception of brands. Improving speed and reducing / removing content not only can have a large monetary impact, but it's usually very cheap to do.

Take action now.

The Morico Letter - 10/21/2023

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Stay strong and I wish you luck in your journey.


Ken Morico

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Ken Morico
Digital Marketing Consultant · Web / Ecom · SEO · PPC
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