Saving Time and Soul as a Solopreneur

I’ll explore the ways I saved my soul and list the time hacks I used to accomplish heightened self-worth and goal-achievement in my solopreneur journey.

I’ll explore the ways I saved my soul and list the time hacks I used to accomplish heightened self-worth and goal-achievement in my solopreneur journey. Anyone can use these tips, but first…

The self-employment challenge starts with YES. It starts with you gripping a torch, setting fire to the bridge behind you, and walking forward without a map in the wilderness.

…Self-employment isn’t even necessarily for you… it could be for your clients that need your particular skills or the way you implement your skills, the products you create for others, or the other vendors or people that count on your business.

One thing I know – self employment will change you as a person into the person you need to become to achieve a purpose. A mission. A calling.

I think the reason solopreneurship is so interesting right now is that we have amazing tools that make achieving more without employees possible. Even if you work for company, the new tools like AI can make you a better contributor, produce more impact, and get noticed. But no matter how great the tools have become, time management will always be key.

As the world becomes hyper-competitive, and everyone has access to similar tools, what’s left? Time management. Discipline. Self-development.

In fact, as I’ve been self employed 100% for a few years now, I’ve discovered:

Solopreneurship IS self development

When you are focused on a task or large goal you’ll realize there is only so much time in a day. You’ll need to tap into the focused version of yourself you’ve never seen before. You’ll need to develop into the person that CAN handle the difficult tasks.

Time Saving Tips & Handling Difficult Tasks

  • Minimize Distractions – create an empty desk, turn on focus mode on your phone, delete all apps on your phone that don’t need to be there. Distractions will derail your focus and cause you to lose time.
  • Get to a Space Where You Can Really Work – early morning at home (5-7am) or a Coworking space / office / quiet coffeeshop
  • Get Noise-Cancelling Headphones – even quiet places can have small noises that can distract you.
  • Figure Out Your Daily Tasks That Will Move the Needle for the Business – put them on your calendar and hold yourself accountable. If you can’t finish a task do a different task. No time is ever wasted. Have back-up tasks to complete when you can’t think straight.
  • Leverage the Simplest, Fastest Process to Accomplish Tasks. As a solopreneur, I don’t have time to flesh out every image, article, or email. I can create a system that will allow me to be consistent, and that matters more. I’m still working on my processes. I think refinement of processes should be a daily task.
  • Use Mindset Tactics – meditation and yoga. Walking. Prayer. These are easy to do and help to achieve difficult tasks. Have a clear mind enables you to complete tasks faster. For me, there is no task that can’t be finished if I ask God for help before starting. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8.
  • CREATE Energy – you accomplish less if you don’t have the energy to finish tasks. Everyone is different, but I’ve noticed when fasting, eating less, and drinking smoothies I’ve had more energy to accomplish tasks. Find what works for you.
  • Trade Attention – remove entertainment and phone scrolling – replace with reading books or working. Kindle app works great to replace social media use with book reading.

I have more ideas on time management that I hope to integrate into a course, book, or guide. Stay tuned (and subscribed).

Expanding Capacity

Something that stood out to me when reading The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz is when he mentions a story about a woman who was forced to return to the workforce after her husband was permanently disabled after a serious accident.

“You know,” she said, “six months ago I never dreamed I could possibly manage the house and work full-time. But after the accident, I just made up my mind that I had to find the time. Believe me, my efficiency has gone up 100 percent. I discovered a lot of things I was doing didn’t need to be done at all. Then I discovered that the children could and wanted to help. I found dozens of ways to conserve time—fewer trips to the store, less TV, less telephoning, less of those time killers.” This experience teaches us a lesson: Capacity is a state of mind. How much we can do depends on how much we think we can do. When you really believe you can do more, your mind thinks creatively and shows you the way.

I think this is a lesson we can all learn. I’m always looking at ways to expand capacity. But first, you must recognize the need yourself. That’s when change happens.

The Morico Letter – 5/27/2023

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Stay strong and I wish you luck in your journey.


Ken Morico

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Ken Morico
Digital Marketing Consultant - Web / Ecom · SEO · PPC
Fortune 500, influencers, startups. Work with me.

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  • solopreneur
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